Before installing Monomodular, make sure you have the most current versions of MaxMSP and Ableton Live installed on your computer. You will also need a license to use MaxforLive (although it is possible to use everything here in Demo Mode).
To install the entire Monomodular suite on OSX:
The installer is a single .amxd file, and can install all the necessary Monomodular files from within Live itself (the first m4l patch of its kind). The installer is able to place all the files in the Monodular package in their proper directories. It is also capable of downloading the most recent revision of the beta suite from SVN and installing it's tree to the correct directories (this is the recommended method).
The link to the Monodular installer file:
You may also download the entire package (but it may not be as current):
In order to use the installer, merely place it in Live's Library, under 'Presets/MIDI Effects/Max MIDI Effect/'. The easiest way to do this is to drag it from the Finder into Live's device browser.
Next, drag the 'Monomodular Installer" device from Live's device browser into a MIDI track.
If you plan on installing from SVN, click on the "Subversion" button. A dialog will appear asking you for a directory location so that the installer has a place to put the files its going to download from svn. You can either choose an existing directory or create a new one from the browser dialog.
The installer will now download all of the current files. The darwin's output will be displayed in the terminal window on the right as it makes progress. Any errors should show up there.
When it is finished, it is quite possible that everything is ready to go. The installer uses Live's log.txt file to try and decide where it should put the files it will install. However, if you have multiple Library's installed (which is a frequent occurence), it may get these locations wrong. No worries, the installer won't overwrite anything that is already on your computer, but it might get the locations wrong.
If you've already downloaded the package, just make sure to select it's location in the top path, next to the box that says 'Installation Package'. You can also drop the folder on that box.
Its a good idea to double check to make sure everything looks right. The proper locations should be as follows:
Installation package: this should point to the Monomodular files that are about to be installed. If you downloaded the current subversion revision, then the folder should automatically be chosen (it is the folder that you specified when you told the installer to download from svn). If you are installing from a downloaded package, just make sure this points to the folder containing the Monomodular package. this is the Application bundle for Live. You can drag and drop Live's app onto the box to the right of the patch, or click on the path and choose it from the dialog. This should be the actual application, not the folder containing it.
MaxMSP Folder: this is the folder containing the MaxMSP application. It should be automatically chosen. If for some reason it wasn't, its possible that certain subfolders may be missing from it.
MaxforLive Presets: this is the folder containing the MaxforLive patches in Live's current Library. It's generic location is '~/Library/Application Support/Ableton/Library/Presets/', but it could be elsewhere if you've moved things around.
If all of the locations are valid installations, their paths should be colored white. Otherwise, they will be red and you need to choose them manually.
To install the files to the chosen locations, press the install button. The paths will be rechecked, and if valid, the installer will begin moving files. Progress is indicated by the bar on the bottom right.
After installation, it is necessary to restart Live in order for it to recognize the new Python files that were installed inside its application bundle.