How to use the Codec script
The basic controls of the Livid Code are used in its native mode in the following manner:
The left side buttons select which mode the Code is in:
Mode 1.
The top two rows of dials control sends 1 and 2 levels of each track. The third dial controls the panning. The fourth dial controls track volume. The bottom buttons select the track.
Mode 2.
All four dials in each column control the send levels of a track. The bottom buttons select the track.
Mode 3.
Each row of dials are the controls for a device in the currently selected track.
Mode 4.
The entire dial grid controls the currently selected device with up to 32 parameters.
Caveat: if a MonOhm script is also installed, Mode 3 will select the last 4 devices that were selected by the MonOhm's device component.
Pressing Gary will change the sensitivity of the dials while held down.
Double-pressing Gary will enter Mod Mode if a compatible version of the Monomodular script is also installed in Live's MIDI Preferences.
In Mod Mode, all controls are dependent upon the plugin being controlled. One constant, however, is that holding down Gary is 'Mod-Shift', and turns the bottom row of buttons into the 'Mod-Keys'. They share the same functions as any other Mod controller.
Also, when 'Mod-Shift' is engaged, LED's below the top row of dials indicate which Mod Plug is chosen, and the row below it shows what channel that Plug is transmitting on. You can change the assignment by pushing the dial above the LED's.
Exit Mod Mode by double-pressing Gary again.