Max 6 issues

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Revision as of 07:59, 1 July 2012 by Ground state (talk | contribs) (cafe)
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It's possible that some of these aren't Max 6 related, but that's what I'm testing with, so...

Probably good to specify the test environment:

  • MBP Core i7 8G ram
  • OSX 10.6.8 running 64-bit kernel - I have seen strange behavior with this, though not necessarily with Live/Max
  • Live 8.3
  • Max 6.0.4 (52278)
  • Launchpad
  • various other MIDI gear hanging off USB hubs here and there



#N: extra arguments for message "funnel"

This error is fixed in my working versions, and will be included in the next official package.

mod_b993.js: Javascript TypeError: "this_device" is not a function, line 215
js: error calling function init

mode 4, the duration edit mode - bottom row of buttons doesn't mute


help goes to "Presscafe" rather than "PressCafe" (I've already made a redirect)

Say... What is the difference between "cafe" and "presscafe"?

#N: extra arguments for message "r"
#N: extra arguments for message "s"

Spent a total of about 3 hours trying to determine where that comes from over the last drives me nuts. It's an artifact from the original, I think, but I haven't been able to route it out. I think its harmless. - a


Seems like editing one patch, then deleting it and adding/editing another will usually throw up something like this (although quitting Max in between seems to make it not happen):

js: mod_b993.js: Javascript TypeError: client_menu is undefined, line 278
js: mod_b993.js: Javascript TypeError: default_color_map is undefined, line 84
js: error calling function loadbang
js: mod_b993.js: Javascript TypeError: default_color_map is undefined, line 84
js: error calling function set_color_map
js: mod_b993.js: Javascript TypeError: default_color_map is undefined, line 84
js: error calling function set_color_map
js: mod_b993.js: Javascript TypeError: default_color_map is undefined, line 84
js: error calling function set_color_map
js: mod_b993.js: Javascript TypeError: default_color_map is undefined, line 84
js: error calling function set_color_map
js: mod_b993.js: Javascript TypeError: stored_keys is undefined, line 441
js: error calling function key
js: mod_b993.js: Javascript TypeError: stored_keys is undefined, line 441
js: error calling function key
js: mod_b993.js: Javascript TypeError: stored_keys is undefined, line 441
js: error calling function key
js: mod_b993.js: Javascript TypeError: stored_keys is undefined, line 441
js: error calling function key

These type of errors are what I'm mainly interested in: they reflect how the mod.js and Python cores interact in Max6. I'm currently working on b994 revs of these core scripts, so anything strange happening with connection routines or entering/exiting/saving from the editor are very noteworthy, and extrememly helpful. It is because my implementation, by necessity, is so convoluted that I've delayed moving to Max6 for so long.

This particular problem is due to the wrong initalization order, and may be due some change in the behavior of [live.this_device]. I'm hoping to finish up with current Max5 stuff tonight and switch to Max6 for testing of a project tomorrow before release, so hopefully I'll be able to catch up with what's going on.