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Life for Monomodular b992.

Life was an attempt to make some use out of the jit.conway external back in my early days of playing with mt control surfaces. I've cleaned it up a bit for final release and have translated everything into Javascript so I could decipher what the hell I was thinking when I made it 2 years ago.

Basically, it makes no sense at all. Its mainly a randomization sequencer, and is most usefull when combined with some other engine for timing purposes. However, it can be fun in its own way.

The second to bottom row of the 256 turns each of the 16 steps off or on.

The bottom row:

1st button solos the current plane.

2nd - 11th selects preset maps (or stores them when alt is pressed).

12th button clears the current plane.

13-16 button turns on/off each plane (ignored when in solo mode).

Keys 1-4 select the current plane.

Keys 5-8 select timing in the usual manner (when set to internal).

Life ex1.png