A little stumped….
Its funny that I’ve been able to do all this hacking to other peoples code, and now that I’m working with code that I wrote my self, I’m having difficulties.
The integration for the iPad version of the MonOhmPad script is nearly done….I have some details to work out (mostly displaying correct parameter names/values when they change assignments), but its working swimmingly. That means I’m using an iPad as a control surface to communicate directly with Live’s Python scripts just as though it were an actual Ohm64. (I needed to write that, it kinda felt good 😉 ).
So, now I’m working on completely rebuilding the Monomod framework so that it is configurable in a more general manner. I’ve used the _Framework as a guide, and I guess I’m finally getting the idea of what object oriented programming really is. But I’ve hit a bit of a snag….there’s so many different ways to go !
I hope to present a completed version by the end of the weekend (simply because I have other things I’d rather be doing than staring at a computer screen for hours on end). I’m taking my time with it: the idea is to create the framework I’d originally intended on, which will make it a great deal easier to add new control surface support as I/others have time. I had hoped to make it understandable to the general user, but I guess I kind of missed that boat when I used the _Framework scripts as a model. Anyway, the final version of Monomod will contain a single js contained in a very barebones Max patch. Eventually, I plan to code a pure Python version of Monomoduar….wouldn’t that be nice 🙂
will it work with the livid block as well?
ipad integration will be appreciated hugely! 🙂
You could make it work with the Block pretty easily I think….I've never had my hands on one, so its mainly a matter of tweaking the ergonomics for the smaller controller. I'm rebuilding the framework of monomodular right now to make it much easier to include support for multiple controllers/configurations.
The short answer: its not supported 'out-of-the-box', but it would be trivial to set up the Block to work in the same way as the Ohm64, I think.
I'm getting pretty close to being done with everything. No ETA yet, but the new monomod Framework is past the theoritical rewrite period and I'm adding new functions/debugging it now. Free time is (unfortunately) sparse for me at the moment, but hopefully I can be finished with the last revision of b97 some time next week, which will see the first public release of Monomodular in quite some time, and a huge rewrite of the whole engine.